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As a dog expert, there are three breeds that you should stay away from if you plan to have children

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BRINGING a dog into the home is a big decision to make.

But it requires even more careful consideration if you have children in the house.


Dog behaviourist Will Atherton has revealed the three breeds he'd advise not getting if you're bringing a dog into a home with childrenCredit: Tiktok/@iamwillatherton


He kicked off his list with the Border Collie, explaining that their herding instincts can often prove a problem with kidsCredit: Tiktok/@iamwillatherton


Dalmatians are another breed he'd avoid, along with the AkitaCredit: Tiktok/@iamwillatherton

And one dog behaviourist has revealed the three breeds he would always advise against getting if you're a parent.

"What are the worst dog breeds for children?" Will Atherton said in a video on his TikTok page.

"As a canine behaviourist, I specialise in when things go terribly wrong with dogs and unfortunately, that often happens with bites towards children.

"And I see certain breeds cropping up time and time again."

The first breed is the border collie.

"Contrary to popular belief, people think that because they're so trainable, they're easy dogs to live with," he explained.

"But that couldn't be further from the truth.

"Those herding instincts will kick in and if you don't fulfil the dog properly, which many people don't have the time or energy to do so, they will start herding your kids.

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"And by herding your kids, I mean chasing them round, biting their ankles."

The second is the Akita.

"I love Akitas and in the right situations they can be incredible dogs," Will said.

"But time and time again I see them having serious issues with children and it's never pretty when that happens."

And concluding the list, the Dalmatian.

"Most people don't realise that the Dalmatian has one of the highest bite histories here in the UK," he said.

"And oftentimes towards children."


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Author: Charles Ford

Last Updated: 1704129481

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Name: Charles Ford

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Introduction: My name is Charles Ford, I am a unyielding, transparent, clever, striking, multicolored, dear, Adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.